Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Tiverton School Committee Meeting - December 13, 2022

Tiverton School Committee Meeting - December 13, 2022 Timestamps: Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Possible Executive Session at 6:00 PM and to possibly be continued at the end of Open Session a. (RIGL 42-46-5(a)(1)(Job performance, character, physical or mental health)(Administrative Contract) b. (RIGL 42-46-5(a)(1)(Job performance, character, physical or mental health)(Custodian) c. (R.I.G.L.42-46-5(a)(1)(Job performance, character, physical or mental health)(Superintendent Goals/Evaluation and Administrator) d. (RIGL 42-46-5(a)(2)(Negotiation Update Council 94 and NEA, Newport Special Education) 3. Return To Open Session 4. Pledge of Allegiance 5. Open Forum (Non-Agenda Items Only) Consent Agenda 6. Approval of Minute a. 11/29/2022 7. Monthly Enrollment a. December End of Consent Agenda 8. Policy Development/Revision and Review Discuss Possible Vote a. Second Read Policy #1073 b. Second Read Policy #1075 c. Second Read Suicide Policy #1187 d. Second Read Suicide Protocol Policy #1188 9. New Business a. Introduce new Communications Director Destenie Vital b. Discuss and Possible Vote Newport County Regional Special Educational Program Contract c. Stipends - Dr. Sanchioni d. Discuss Possible Vote NEA Contract 2022 - 2025 e. Sign RIDE Statewide Bond Pay-As-You-Go Memorandum of Agreement f. Discuss Possible Vote Director of Communications Contract g. Discuss Possible Vote Referral to Policy Subcommittee ● Policy 739 (Agenda) ● Policy 1012 (Public Complaints/Grievances) ● Policy 332 and 333 (Budget, Movement of Funds) ● Policy 993 (Hiring) 10. Old Business a. Structural Deficit - A. Roderick 11. Future Meeting Dates/Agenda Topics a. December 21, 2022 b. January 3, 2023 - FY24 Budget Presentation c. January 24, 2023 12. Adjournment

from TivertonVideos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw_rOfjyRUU

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