Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Tiverton School Committee Meeting - September 27, 2022

Tiverton School Committee Meeting - September 27, 2022 Timestamps: [0:00] - Call to Order Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Open Forum (Non-Agenda Items Only) Consent Agenda 4. Approval of Minutes a. 9/7/2022 b. 9/13/2022 5. Sub Committee Reports/Minutes a. 6. Monthly Enrollment End of Consent Agenda 7. New Business a. Recognize Fort Barton as a Blue-Ribbon School - Principal Donnelly Roche b. Discussion/Possible Vote Home School - A. Donnelly Roche c. Discussion/Possible vote on School Committee Dates - Dr. Sanchioni d. School Improvement Plan, High School, Middle School, and Elementary Principals e. RFP Process for Architect - Dr. Sanchioni f. North Point Industrial Park - Dr. Sanchioni g. Enrollment Forecast for New Development - Dr. Sanchioni 8. Old Business a. 9. Future Meeting Dates/Agenda Topics a. October 11, 2022 - Strategic Plan, Structural Deficit b. October 25, 2022 10. Possible Executive Session a. (R.I.G.L.42-46-5(a)(1)(Job performance, character, physical or mental health)(Superintendent Goals/Evaluation) b. (RIGL 42-46-5(a)(1)((Job performance, character, physical or mental health)(Administrative Contract) c. (RIGL 42-46-5(a)(2)(Negotiation Update Council 94 and NEA) 11. Discussion/Possible Vote to Accept Admin Contract - Dr. Sanchioni 12. Adjournment

from TivertonVideos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2r3TqhemDA

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