Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Tiverton Town Council Meeting - 9-28-2022

0:00 - 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL President Denise M. deMedeiros Vice President Michael S. Burk Joseph C. Perry William J. Vieira Deborah G. Janick Donna J. Cook Jay P. Edwards 4. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed within the Consent Agenda are to be considered routine by Town Council and will ordinarily be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Council, or a member of the public so requests and the Town Council President permits, in which event the item will be removed for separate consideration later on the agenda. A. Approval of Town Council Minutes - None B. Acknowledge Receipt of Minutes from Boards/Commissions/Committees 1. Litter Control Committee (1) 2. Dog Park Advisory Committee (2) 3. Personnel Board (5) C. Acknowledge Receipt of Reports 1. Treasurer Saurette – August 2022 Budget and Revenue Reports D. Acknowledge Receipt of Correspondence 1. Status request for 177/lowering speed limit & sidewalk request – referred to Police Department 2. Letter dated 9/14/2022 from Teamsters Local 251 Board of Trustees 3. Lawsuit Filed 9/9/2022 by Local 1703 of the IAFF 4. Washington Trust – Tiverton Police Pension Plan Portfolio review dated 8/31/2022 5. Compensation Planning - Actuarial review for the Tiverton Police Pension Plan as of 7/1/2022 E. Approval of Tax Assessor Abatements – $400.00 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS REGARDING A COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM OR OTHER TOWN BUSINESS A. Comments received: 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS (ADVERTISED) – Discussion and possible vote A. Consideration of the petition to abandon Patrick Avenue and the portion of Harrington Avenue located in Rhode Island (continued from 8/22/2022) 1. Planning Board Recommendation 7. BOARD OF LICENSING A. DeAndre Mooreland/Dizzy’s Hookah Lounge, 525 Main Road – Requests approval of Tobacco Dealer license - subject to meeting all legal requirements (continued from 8/22/2022) 8. GENERAL BUSINESS A. Renee Jones/Economic Development Commission – Update on upcoming events planned by EDC B. Councilor Cook – Discussion and possible vote regarding the nationwide problem with recruitment and retaining police/fire dispatchers C. Tax Assessor Robert – Discussion and possible vote to advertise Request for Proposal for the state mandated statistical revaluation to be effective 12/31/2023 D. Police Chief Jones – Discussion and possible vote to appoint Lt. Michael Barboza, Retired. to position of Reserve Police Officer E. Town Administrator – Discussion and possible vote to approve an extension of the current Purchase and Sale Agreement between Northpoint Development and the Town of Tiverton to 1/11/2023. F. Town Administrator/Fire Marshall Murphy – Discussion and possible vote to approve request for a change in the fire alarm and sprinkler plan reviews from a flat fee of $100.00 to the state-authorized scaled fee permitted under state fire code 23-28.2-26. G. Town Administrator/Police Chief Jones – Discussion and possible vote to authorize the town to formally engage with Cybercomm to modernize the public radio communication system as quoted, using American Recovery Funds and the AFG grant awarded H. Police Chief Jones – Discussion and possible vote to accept and approve a grant from the USDA for $164,850.00 toward the purchase of vehicles for the Police Department and the Department of Public Works I. Police Chief Jones – Discussion and possible vote to accept and approve the Patrick Leahy Bulletproof Vest Partnership grant for $14,188.99 to purchase new body armor for our Police Officers J. Town Administrator – Discussion and possible vote to authorize contract change and retroactive salary adjustment for Senior Center Director Janet Holmes of 2% for 1/17/2021 to 1/16/2022 and current salary increase of 2.5% from 1/17/2022 thru 1/16/2023 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION A. Town Administrator – RIGL 42-46-5(a)(1) – Personnel - Job Performance/Annual Evaluation for Senior Center Director Janet Holmes – Notice given B. Town Administrator – RIGL 42-46-5(a)(1) – Personnel – Operational Review of Municipal Court operations – Notice given C. Town Solicitor – RIGL 42-46-5(a)(2) Litigation – Update on Case No. NC-2021-0201, Northborough Realty Holdings, LLC v. Tiverton Zoning Board of Review Sitting as the Board of Appeals. 10. ADJOURNMENT

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